Video to trade/share

ramsezazramsezaz Paris, FranceNew
edited February 2005 in Technique Posts: 90
First of all I don't if this belongs to this forum, but as you were talking of bootlegs videos dennis i'll post this here.
I just recorded a 1h hour concert/documentary on sanseverino and bireli.
I'm willing to trade it :)
It contains :

Sanseverino :
Les embouteillages
La java des bombes atomiques (with Bernard Lavillier -a french signer-)
La mer (with Paco El Lobo - a flamenco singer-)
Père Uru (with les ours de scorff -bretons singers-)
Le bonheur (with Tété and La Grande Sophie - french singers -)
Maigrir (with Le Quartet Buccal)

Bireli :
I Got Rythm (with Gypsy Projet and Didier Lockwood -violin-)
Teentown (with Jim, Fero, and John) a Pastorius composition
Dinello (with D. DiPiazza - a great bassist !-)
Sweet Georgia Brown (with Gypsy project + Angelo Debarre + Dorado Schmidtt + Didier Lockwood)

So if anyone is interested, I'm looking for any video by tchavolo, stochelo or bireli, or others :)
And i'm willing to share it with people who don't have any video, but please if you have anything to share, it'd be nice :)
my lutherie blog : http://ramsezaz/


  • dennisdennis Montreal, QuebecModerator
    Posts: 2,161
    the problem is the fomat, in france it's SECAM, the rest of europe is PAL (i don;'t know if SECAM is compatible with PAL), in north america (and most of the rest of the world) it's NTSC...

    anyway i'm slowly converting my collection to digital format. i've already sent a few to michael (wawau adler, 2 stochelo rosenberg videos)... some i shot, some from TV , some from others (I dont know who shot the wawau but i suspect it's archtop eddy or greg gunter)
  • ramsezazramsezaz Paris, FranceNew
    Posts: 90
    Yes i know :) but i recorded it on a DVD/HDD Rercorder so it's already in divX :)
    my lutherie blog : http://ramsezaz/
  • nwilkinsnwilkins New
    Posts: 431
    SECAM is semi compatible with PAL - I believe it will only play in black and white on PAL systems.
  • ramsezazramsezaz Paris, FranceNew
    Posts: 90
    :) Sure Secam plays balck and white on PAL systems...
    but i recorded it not on VHS, on a DVD (thanks to Santa who brought a DVD recorder to my parents ;) )
    So the vidéo is in DivX, or if there is no choise I can burn Dvds
    my lutherie blog : http://ramsezaz/
  • Posts: 1
    hallo everybody.i am from athens-greece.i've just discovered this wonderful forum.

    Actually i am looking for bireli's bootleg vids or anything that you might know it exists in bootleg(stochelo,jimmy r.,angelod.) 8)

    i have also except the live in vienna 2 vids of bireli

    all the best
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