Hey Everyone,
A few years ago, I saw a short clip on YouTube of Django playing an electric archtop in a band setting. I haven't been able to find it since. Has anyone else seen this? It was only 20 seconds or so.
While I'm at it, has anyone compiled the available/known footage of Django? Where could I find it?
This clip has been on my mind a lot lately. I have been really curious about whether or not Django modified his picking at all when playing electric(just playing closer to the neck and other little things like that). I haven't touched anything but my gj guitar for over a year. Recently, I picked up an ibanez pm35. It's a great guitar but trying to adjust to the shorter scale length and the amplified sound got me wondering
That makes sense as archtops tend to sound nice when played there. I play an archtop acoustic on occasion and strum way over the fingerboard when playing rhythm. For single note lines, if you're using restrokes and playing quite hard, you can't play too far forward as there isn't enough string tension to handle it so the notes just crap out. But I still play closer to the fingerboard on an archtop than I would on a Gypsy guitar.
Although, this action shot suggest Django played closer to the bridge when playing leads:
With one exception, they were all almost certainly on an amplified Selmer.