Hi folks, sorry for advertising!
Anyway, I've just released three new Angelo Debarre lessons on my site
I'm writing here, because tomorrow is the anniversary of Django's passing. Without Django there is no Gypsy Jazz, and there is certainly no DCMS. I've decided to release the lessons on a massive discount for the rest of the month: roughly 10 USD/Euros!
So what's different about this new series from the previous four? In the new series, the focus is on his actual playing, and I had improvised over a bunch of tunes and often at a fast tempo. Why? Because Angelo is a master of playing over fast tempos, and he has a secret: instead of playing at the real tempo, he feels it in half time. This makes for a much more relaxed phrasing, and it's something that anyone with minimal technique can do. But it's not so easy either because you have to learn to feel the half tempo and to phrase accordingly. That usually means you have to work a lot on your triplet feel, which is something Angelo is really good at! Django did this too, and he probably got it from Louis Armstrong
Here's a video demonstration:
Thanks for heads up on anniversary and a bargain deal.
Me too,get them.Thanks for the low price too!
Hope that someday you could record new ones with Gonzalo Bergara too :-).
Now I'm using my laptop, it's working with the Edge browser but not with the Filrefox, even though with the Firefox it'll load the waveform but trying to select the loop section doesn't work (this same thing happens with the soundlice website so I just use the Edge browser there).
That's strange, but for all technical issues, I'm dependent on the Soundslice team. I hope I can talk to Adrian at DiJ about this and see what he has to say. I'll email him and hope I get a reply :-(
On my phone I didn't bother to use anything except the stock Chrome browser.
Actually only now I notice how the progress bar is all the way at the end to the right when the screenshot of the video is at 8 seconds (progress bar doesn't respond to movement) besides the channel being blank where waveform should load.
I just went to DC Music to buy this and there were three different Angelo DeBarre videos marked down to $14.99 CDN...
So which one is it that has Angelo's method of feeling fast tempos in half time?
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."