Jimmy Rosenberg's new album

dennisdennis Montreal, QuebecModerator
edited October 2019 in CD, DVD, and Concert Reviews Posts: 2,161

Hello folks! Sorry for spamming, but wanted to share this with you. I was originally supposed to just produce a DC Music School lesson series with Jimmy but he also wants to make a CD. I'm already doing something with Duved next month, and to be honest, producing albums is not my speciality and not something I had in mind, but I can't say no when Jimmy wants to work with me.

We're doing an Indiegogo campaign for the album. The perks will include the album as well as the DC Music School lessons.

Jimmy's been practicing really hard for the past several months . He's really determined to make a come back after many years in the shadows.

Here's the indigogo campaign:


Mehran sgeese_comMichaelHorowitzBucoScoredogJoseBillDaCostaWilliamsBones


  • denk8denk8 ✭✭✭
    Posts: 39

    Hi Denis,

    Great to see Jimmy making music on the guitar again! I sent my contribution in support of the CD.

  • dennisdennis Montreal, QuebecModerator
    Posts: 2,161

    Thanks ! Our priority is his health and we are doing everything with his health in mind, so while this album would be a comeback thing, we don’t have huge career plans for him just yet. Baby steps.

  • pmgpmg Atherton, CANew Dupont MD50R, Shelley Park Custom, Super 400, 68 Les Paul Deluxe, Stevie Ray Strat
    Posts: 140

    Hi Denis,

    I'm in - thanks for all of your ongoing great work and best of luck with this exciting project. Please wish Jimmy my personal best.

    I'm always interested in jamming with experienced jazz and gypsy jazz players in the San Francisco - San Jose area. Drop me a line. Bass players welcome!
  • BonesBones Moderator
    Posts: 3,323

    Wow I'm soooo glad to hear this. Hang tough Jimmy!!!

    Denis, what is the difference between DCMS lesson Vol1 and album ($30) versus DCMS lesson and album ($75)?

    Thanks for doing this!

  • BillDaCostaWilliamsBillDaCostaWilliams Barreiro, Portugal✭✭✭ Altamira M01F, Huttl, 8 mandolins
    Posts: 652

    Hi Dennis,

    Could you explain a bit more the difference between the perks?

  • dennisdennis Montreal, QuebecModerator
    Posts: 2,161

    Hi sorry! the indiegogo site was giving me a hard time and now i can't change it

    So basically the differnce between DCMS vol 1 and the others is that usually i film multiple volumes with DCMS artists. I've come up with a formula for players who don't know what they're doing that works quite well where i ask them to:

    show their chord voicings over various tunes

    show how they do various rhythms

    do chord solos

    improvise over common progressions

    and then of course all the performance etudes. This usually fills up 2-3 volumes of lessons depending on how much the artists are able to give. I hope to do just that with Jimmy.

    So the one that's vol1 will only include vol 1. The others will include all the volumes (however many there will be and at a discount)

  • dennisdennis Montreal, QuebecModerator
    Posts: 2,161

    Just a little update, Jimmy has chosen most of the songs, we will select from them. Some compositions, Gypsy waltz and a few standards . Jimmy s practicing all day everyday, so he's in the best shape he's been in for a while

  • Please share this with him: Jimmy, you are the best! Get well soon. I enjoy your artistry!

  • dennisdennis Montreal, QuebecModerator
    edited October 2019 Posts: 2,161

    I've posted a new video of Jimmy. He doesn't have his own guitar and has mainly been practicing on his caretaker's cheapo classical guitar. He's been practicing all day every day for the past several months. I arranged for him to borrow a guitar from our friend Christiaan van Hemert and they recorded this video in the studio.

    I don't want to reveal too much about Jimmy's personal life because he wants to leave the past behind and overcome the things he went through, but he has genuine people looking after him at the moment focusing on bringing positivity in his life. When I first spoke to him on Skype, I could see still some depression as he didn't smile so much (even though he's the best he's been for a long time), I arranged for him to get a real Gypsy guitar and I've already sent him all the money I've collected so far from the Indiegogo , and today they went shopping for new clothes, a phone, basic living necessities, etc.... When I briefly spoke to him on Skype yesterday I saw him smile for the first time, and I was sent lots of pictures of him beaming with happiness.

    This is a critical moment for him ; he is in dire need of happiness and that could help turn the tide. To recover from what he went through is not easy, we all know that, and we have no big career plans for him, only to do things one step at a time. His health is the priority and he really wants to do this. It's the reason why I'm traveling to the Netherlands for this and not the other way around where I bring artists to Canada. Everything will be done close to where he lives, surrounded by the wonderful people who are looking after him.

    Thank you everyone for contributing thus far, and I remind everyone that the perks will also include exclusive feature (video/audio) that I will not release elsewhere in the near future.

    Thanks again!

  • BonesBones Moderator
    Posts: 3,323

    Vid with Christiaan van Hemert. So glad to see him playing so well!

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