Hi all,
I currently own an Ibanez AF105F which I've been using unplugged for my late hour pratice sessions.
I think it's time she sings with her true voice, and I'd like to buy her an AMP.
The point is that I also own an Anastasio petite bouche, and of course i'd like to have an amp that will work for both.
The anastasio doesn't (yet) have any pickup or mic.
Anyone have any suggestions ? I've heard a lot of good things about the Schertlers amps and pickups but does the amp work ok with an archtop ?
thanks in advance,
1. A louder version of an instrument's acoustic sound.
2. An electric sound as provided by a magnetic pickup.
If using a magnetic pickup (like on most electric archtops) then you will probably want a regular guitar amp. So look for something like a Fender Twin. This amp will work well if you decide to amplify your gypsy guitar with a Stimer.
If you want to amplify the acoustic sound of your gypsy guitar then you will need some kind of acoustic pickup, and an acoustic amp (which has, among other things, different kinds of speakers to reproduce the nuances of acoustic guitar noise). If you get an acoustic amp/pickup combination, you could use it on your archtop, but you probably won't want to unless your guitar has a nice acoustic sound without amplification.
The cheapest route will be to buy a normal guitar amp and use it with a Stimer on your gypsy guitar and with the pickup(s) on your archtop. But this means that your Anastasio will sound electric (think Django in the 50s).
and listening to the song I Can't Dance
Hope this helps.