A lead sheet- melody and chords (not tab) you can find in the book
"The music of Django Reinhardt - fourty four classic solos by the legendary guitarist- ". The author is Stan Ayeroff. The book is published by Mel Bay Pub. Inc.
You also can find a good version on the french site "Jazz et Chansons". The file is in Guitar Pro- format. This version is free and has notes and tab.
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you have no king
no set of rules
but you have a mistress:
Best regards
"The music of Django Reinhardt - fourty four classic solos by the legendary guitarist- ". The author is Stan Ayeroff. The book is published by Mel Bay Pub. Inc.
You also can find a good version on the french site "Jazz et Chansons". The file is in Guitar Pro- format. This version is free and has notes and tab.
you have no king
no set of rules
but you have a mistress:
(by Sandra Jayat)