So I'm in the process of a build for a nylon guitar, shaped very similar to the original design Maccaferri guitar. 650mm scale, nylon strings, standard fair.
In my search to create a hybrid guitar (nylon with domed top and tailpiece) I came across the only other nylon Selmer style with a tailpiece. All of these I've seen have the traditional/classical bridge and flattop with the exception of this Jean Paul Sardin Nylon guitar:
Maybe it's just traditional Selmer bracing that's fairly light? How do you get the slight doming and brace enough to maintain the dome without killing the warmth of nylon strings?
There are several luthier members but they're not the most active on the forum. As far as know they're mostly talkative and happy to discuss ideas so I think your best bet is contacting them directly.
Here's a recent nylon string classical Maccaferri build thread that's fairly recent and the results are amazing
Thanks Buco!
Sure, you're welcome. I think your best bet is emailing. Luthiers do visit but it can be awhile.
FYI -- Jean-Pierre Favino makes a nylon string with a tailpiece:
Jero, I can't find any videos of those ones though. I feel I am venturing into territory that probably hasn't been as successful, thus the lack of examples.
Probably will lack the volume of a real GJ guitar and the warmth/body of a classical. At any rate it'll be comfy to play on the couch!