Hello! I’m a middle school orchestra teacher and I’m currently looking to expand my skill set in order to provide my students with more experiences. Does anybody know of any violin teachers in Seattle? Thanks for your help!
Did you manage to find a place to get additional education? It’s not that easy to find additional classes for schoolteachers, especially if you want to study violin and are not a beginner.
You might ask at miami.asa.edu whether they have a specialist you need. You could arrange some online classes. And even if they would not have a necessary specialist, they would be able to point you in the right direction because they have connections in the education world. If you need to find a teacher, it’s better to ask another teacher because they usually know each other.
You might try to contact Michael Gray from Pearl Django. He's in the Seattle area and a great guy. Not sure if he gives lessons, but it is worth a try. Contact them via their site: http://www.pearldjango.com/
Did you manage to find a place to get additional education? It’s not that easy to find additional classes for schoolteachers, especially if you want to study violin and are not a beginner.
You might ask at miami.asa.edu whether they have a specialist you need. You could arrange some online classes. And even if they would not have a necessary specialist, they would be able to point you in the right direction because they have connections in the education world. If you need to find a teacher, it’s better to ask another teacher because they usually know each other.
You might try to contact Michael Gray from Pearl Django. He's in the Seattle area and a great guy. Not sure if he gives lessons, but it is worth a try. Contact them via their site: http://www.pearldjango.com/