I'm wanting to attend this event.
Can anyone provide a more precise address? I'm assuming for the moment that this is the Montague Street in Brooklyn, NY. If so, does anyone know an address or at least a cross street? "Montague Street Performance Area" just doesn't google up, at least not for me anyway.
If you don't mind, a direct reply to crothman@optonline.net would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance. ~Carl
For anyone interested, here is a Facebook link for the group: https://www.facebook.com/LesGitanes
From the FB page, venue looks to be on Isle of Bute, Scotland rather than Brooklyn.
Yes, thank you. A friend of mine had suggested it might be in Scotland and you just confirmed it, much to my grave disappointment!
Btw, as an aside, Montague Street in Brooklyn, NY is located in a section of Brooklyn right near a highly popular gypsy jazz area of our city and is not terribly far from the clubs where Stephane Wrembel can often be found, so my inquiry is not as silly as it may seem! :-)
Thank you folks who helped me find the answer.
Btw, as an aside, Montague Street in Brooklyn, NY is located in a section of Brooklyn right near a highly popular gypsy jazz area of our city and is not terribly far from the clubs where Stephane Wrembel can often be found
Sure, I knew that so it was my first thought also.
From Brooklyn to Bute, or Rothesay as most people in the West of Scotland call it.