I've occasionally come across old Tune Of The Month posts on this forum, as well as more recent references to them. It seems they were a regular event here before my time (I've been involved here since around 2017), and quite popular. I'd like to revive them if folks are into it, but change them up a bit. My thought is to post a song title each month (and call it "song" of the month to mark the new generation) and let folks comment on the history of the song, the intricacies of playing it, and/or post interesting charts or even performances of it. If Michael supports this and folks seem into it, I'll get started on it soon. It seems to me that we could have a lot of fun with it & learn a lot.
I think that would be cool. @djangology just mentioned it, Jack Soref used to moderate it. Afaik it just fizzled out sort of. Try and let's see what happens.
PS it wasn't Jack Soref, it was Jack Brown
Great, look for the 1st song soon, in a separate post. Hopefully Jack Soref wont mind me moderating it for a while.