Selling three "button" style picks from DjangoPicks and Gypsy Guitars. Top right is the thickest, the other two are around 2.5 mm. Can send addition photos, as need, and happy to answer any questions. $27.50 each with free CONUS shipping.
David McCarty
Good luck with your pick sale....but a general question to all.
@MichaelHorowitz What is up with posting pics on the forum lately? Does anyone else see a large amount of white space below the text and before the image? It did it to a post of mine the other day too. Did some update happen or other change to cause this? Or is this localized to the way my computer displays these posts?
Yes. I’ve got the exact same thing on my iPad, Billy… and on my iMac too...?
Edgar Degas: "Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.... To draw, you must close your eyes and sing."
Georges Braque: "In art there is only one thing that counts: the bit that can’t be explained."
MacBook Pro here. Ok, so that means it is affecting Apple. I also see it on Firefox and Safari, so it isn't necessarily browser dependent.
Anyone on a PC confirm the same thing?
@billyshakes Sorry about that, there was a recent update that caused a formatting issue with the current skin. My web guy should have it fixed soon.
Thank you, sir! Always appreciative of this service and community you have here and only interested in keeping it well-functioning!