I find this feature in powertab to be very unreliable. Such as sometimes it refuses to add a picking notation on the last note of a piece or things of that nature. Let me know if you experience the same or if you find a way around it.
Good luck with it, though! I'm sure folks will appreciate the exra effort that adding pickstrokes requires. I wish all GJ related tabs and books would do the same!
if your version of powertab is anything like mine... it should be on the toolbar on the far right next to the harmonics (upstroke, downstroke)
Hi Dennis,
I've found it, thanks a lot!
What happened to you? Are you going to gym recently? Be careful or you will not more able to take a guitar in your arms!
I find this feature in powertab to be very unreliable. Such as sometimes it refuses to add a picking notation on the last note of a piece or things of that nature. Let me know if you experience the same or if you find a way around it.
Good luck with it, though! I'm sure folks will appreciate the exra effort that adding pickstrokes requires. I wish all GJ related tabs and books would do the same!
I have already doscovered what you mean and I must to say that is not a good thing but I'm happy to add some picking notation in my exercises I'm writing recently, for this genre it's ALL there.
I noticed another bug, seems to be an automatic sweep notation or something similar: if you try to write consecutive downstrokes or upstrokes it automatically connect them with a symbol, why?
I find this feature in powertab to be very unreliable. Such as sometimes it refuses to add a picking notation on the last note of a piece or things of that nature. Let me know if you experience the same or if you find a way around it.
I've discovered the cause of the problem, it's the pauses! Sometimes, if you add a pause or more, the last picking notation seems to disappear, so if you remove the pause it will come back, you must to choose...
Good luck with it, though! I'm sure folks will appreciate the exra effort that adding pickstrokes requires. I wish all GJ related tabs and books would do the same!
I've found it, thanks a lot!
What happened to you? Are you going to gym recently? Be careful or you will not more able to take a guitar in your arms!
I noticed another bug, seems to be an automatic sweep notation or something similar: if you try to write consecutive downstrokes or upstrokes it automatically connect them with a symbol, why?