With Benji and William, does it get better when it comes to the rhythm section? Edouard Pennes recorded and mixed so you know it can hardly sound any better.
Look at Fanou's left hand. It's so loose, it's barely holding onto the fretboard. That's the key to the relaxed right hand.
this is really good.
Was there a Pat Metheny song in there? There was a sort of modern piece towards the beginning. (I downloaded it and have my internet blocked at the moment).
He did some crazy chord voicing thing that made me LOL. He's the real deal.
I also appreciate him opening up Gypsy Jazz guitar for the gingerish crowd. Making a safe space.
Not sure, it would be cool if he played a Metheny song. I'll have to listen again. Do you have a time stamp? I'm listening casually when I have time, I'm still not through with it.
I love voicings he's using too, it sounds so fluid.
It's the thing around 16:00. I can't say for sure it's PM but it sounds like it.
I don't know Pat M music that well. I tried to get into his stuff a couple of times, wasn't hooked. On the first listen that sounded like his original but I wouldn't know really.