Ferret family tree?

oscaroscar yesNew
edited February 2005 in History Posts: 52
I know that a bunch of contemporary players are related to the Ferret family. I know that Fapy is related through his mother and that Bamboula Ferret is his uncle. But, for example, how is Bamboula connected to the others, and what other players are part of the family tree?


  • oscaroscar yesNew
    Posts: 52
    Tnanks for the info Ted! Have been listening a bunch to the Jazz Gitan compilation. Any word on Matelot's seventies recording, the one with the Russian(?) sounding name? I am going to have to dig around and get some more Ferret material. Those boys could play!
  • Josh HeggJosh Hegg Tacoma, WAModerator
    Posts: 622
    I don't speak French hardly at all so I could be off here so forgive me if I'm wrong but it seemed to me that at Djangofest NW on the first night the Ferret brothers played they talked for a while about this issue. When it comes out the DVD might shed some light. Also they played some amazing stuff that would make having the DVD well worth owning even if the talking parts are not about their history.

  • mobreaumobreau U.K✭✭✭
    Posts: 48
    I've wondered for quite a while whether Boulou and/or Elios have got kids maybe following in there footsteps. I'm guessing if they do have kids they must of taken a different path in life as I'm sure we would of heard them by now. Cheers.
  • mobreaumobreau U.K✭✭✭
    Posts: 48
    Thanks for the Info Ted :D
  • stublastubla Prodigy Godefroy Maruejouls
    Posts: 386
    mobreau wrote:
    I've wondered for quite a while whether Boulou and/or Elios have got kids maybe following in there footsteps. I'm guessing if they do have kids they must of taken a different path in life as I'm sure we would of heard them by now. Cheers.

    Elios does have a son, named Baro. I don't know whether or not he plays, though.



    If he's anything like Bireli's offspring and, for that matter, my playing partners(Ducato) son Monty, Baro junior is probably into 'Hip Hop' big time :-)
    In my experience, surnames(family) names mean very little to Rom people--they change them frequently.....

    .............for a variety of reasons ;-)

    eg. Matcho Weiss is now Matcho Winterstein;Holzmano Winterstein is now Holzmano Lagrene

    PS--Steve 2 just you...(Mo Breau)...see you soon mate--its been awhile!!
  • mobreaumobreau U.K✭✭✭
    Posts: 48
    I'll look forward to it Stu!! :D
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