I am looking for recommendations for a clip-on tuner. The Intellitouch PT-1 seems pretty popular but I found mixed reviews on the web. I am also looking at the Seiko STX1 and STMX1...
Do you know if the Seiko's clips are wide enough to clip on a Gypsy Guitar headstock (which tends to be thicker than on a flattop)? Anybody have the chance to test any of these models (or others)?
I have seen Hono and Joscho use the PT-1 but I value feedback and recommendations from forum members (who tend to be very knowledgeable, I may add)!
thanks in advance.
The Korg digitals take too long to lock on to a note - don't like em.
The Intellitouches lock on to notes quickly but don't work so well with better quality stiff necked guitars that don't transmit vibration to the headstock well. Stiff necks are cool because you don't want them to vibrate at any frequency covered by the guitar's range because if the neck is vibrating it's stealing energy from the soundboard. Intellitouches seem to work well on stiff necked guitars if you tune using harmonics at the 12th fret so they're very useable (they're all I use)
My buddy Pete has one of those Seikos (STX I think...the little triangle ones) and he loves it. He uses it on his Hommage.
The tuner I lust after and probably will never have because I have 5 others and can't justify dropping $$ on yet another tuner... is the Sabine AX2000 You keep it in your jacket pocket - whip it out - set it on top of your fingerboard near the 18th fret leaning up against your soundboard... tune flawlessly... then slip it back into your pocket. What a tuner. Retail price about $70... ouch... Sabine wants you to mount it to your guitar for some reason!! that seems looney to me - but I like the model of setting it on the side of the fingerboard.