Hi all,
Researching the life of the german trumpet- , violin, and piano- player Hans Berry (1906 – 1984) I came across the Quintette du Hot-Club de Belgique. This was modeled on the Quintette du Hot Club de France.
Hans Berry was forced to leave germany because of his partially jewish origin. He then was part of the Quintette du Hot-Club de Belgique from 1940 until 1943, when he was discovered by the Nazis after the occupation of Belgium and then was forced to join the german army. In the Quintette du Hot-Club de Belgique he played together with Robert Bosmans and Gus Clark.
Robert Bosmans wrote a dedication for Berry on a sheet of his brand-new composition „Vous et moi“ in 1941: "A l'incomparable Tzigane-Swinger Hans Berry". This was because Berry had huge knowledge not only about the „Swinging“ violin Style but also about the „Tzigane“ style of playing. He often seeked the company of gypsy violin players and learned a lot from them.
I would like to know if anybody of you know about or even have recordings of the „Quintette of the Hot-Club de Belgique“. I also would like to know if you can identify all the persons on the picture beneath Hans Berry on violin. Ted? Scot? Teddy?
Henri Van Bemst (cl, lead)
Marcel Mortier (solo g)
Walter Bossaerts (g)
Léon Demol (g)
Germain Declerq (b)
I don't know if this is the same band you're asking about.
Can you tell us where you found that photo? You continually surprise me with your finds.
thank you for your nice words.
In this case the picture was easy to find. You just have to google "Hans Berry" and there it is: A huge website with biographical informations, which was set up to commemorize his 100th birthday on 9-20 2006:
thank you for your information. I didn´t check that several "Jazz a la Gitane" -samplers because I had the prejudice that this would be completely redundant stuff. But obviously the CDs contain some hidden pearls.