Here's the head an octave lower. As I've never been happy with a lot of the fingerings I've seen in many transcriptions I made this version in a way I like to finger the tune with g-picking (of course, the fingerings & chords are debatable...)
The melody is a workout (I've attached a pdf below for download) and I'd be interested to hear about how people decide to finger it...
As soon as I work out how to do it I will post how I play it. I see that most people start it on the 4th fret, I start on the 8th. It is a really complicated tune fingering wise. I've only just started to learn it so its a bit confusing.
Don't stare at the stinking finger, or you will miss all the heavenly glory.
Here's the head an octave lower. As I've never been happy with a lot of the fingerings I've seen in many transcriptions I made this version in a way I like to finger the tune with g-picking (of course, the fingerings & chords are debatable...)
May it hopefully be helpful & enjoy,
Yeah ... looks like he's got the Gypsy Picking book too
that should be the button.
oops just realised that Timmy gave some directions.
As soon as I work out how to do it I will post how I play it. I see that most people start it on the 4th fret, I start on the 8th. It is a really complicated tune fingering wise. I've only just started to learn it so its a bit confusing.