I herd this the other day, it says Django played most solo's on 1string? i've seen the Tonerai clip and where he's on the train, and the couch etc and he's playing all over the fretboard.
I'm just alittle thrown now because i'm new, i've now herd he plays in different tunings ('open' to get boxed like shapes) and 1string! :?
anyway here is the clip i found, 2.29in mentions the string thing. Hope this is new to some of you and if anyone wants to clear up some myths/truths feel free to tell me
I think maybe this a confusion between django and charlie christian. I don't know much about him but didn't he create a sort of one string be bop solo style?
It's annoying the amount of discussion nonsense like this creates.. i believe the "documentary" actually had the clip of django playing on it as well. Makes you wonder who is doing their research.
Edit: I've just realised you have included said "documentary" in ur post..
At least it plays the audio from the train clip, the clip i have is dubbed when Django is on the train. You can here it on this, apart from the guy speaking over it.
Charlie Christian neither played on one string, it was all 6 just like the main man.
I posted it only because I don't want to be spending 10hours a day on arpeg's, cromatic runs etc to find out it was done on 1 string. But for argument sake we have footage in the tonerai clip and he's playing on all 6 anyway, i should of thought of that first i guess.