Hey Folks,
I'm going to be hosting a quarterly (for now -- maybe more frequently) radio show on Portland's KMHD, the metropolitan area's premier jazz station and a strong supporter of gypsy jazz. I'm hoping to focus on new releases in both Hot Club and related styles, and would like to have a broad range of submissions from around the globe. I'm working with Mary Burlingame from KMHD in coordinating the show's submissions, and have attached her guidelines. This is a great way to reach several hundered thousand people, so please consider sending us a disc!
KMHD, Public radio is soliciting submissions for a quarterly broadcast program of artists playing in the style of Django Reinhardt. Hosted by musician, Pete Krebs, the live broadcasts will be Saturday afternoons at 4pm. The next installment of this show will be in May of 2007. If you’re interested in having your music played please send your submissions to the following address.
KMHD, Public Radio
Attn: Mary Burlingame
26000 SE Stark Street
Gresham, OR 97030-3300
(Include with your submission, bio information and a contact number)
Pete Krebs