12th May at 8 PM
Russian Night with the Russian menu at the "Patou" restaurant & bar
with the concert of Vadim Kolpakov and his band - "Charlotte Gypsies" including wonderful musicians and dancer:
Alim Aslanov - accordion, keybord, vocal;
Scot Wise - Gypsy guitar;
Marina Shanefelter - Flamenco & Russian Gypsy dances with the guest performer - highlight dancer from Charlotte Rodrigo Jimenez
Special guest will be Dr. Oleg Timofeyev (Russian 7-string guitar
www.russianguitar.net ) from Iowa, world specialist in Russian 7-string guitar tradition.
The last concert like this we did was a lot of fun, crowded and noisy. The music is free in the bar, or you can have a multi-course Russian dinner
@$45 per person BNC.