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Jazz Today....what will we call it in 20 years?
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you're so correct about us being a long way from the '60's. That was the last period when creativity and popularity were not mutually exclusive. The Beatles made young boys (and girls) want to buy guitars and learn to play. Now popular artists make young girls want to buy push-up bras and makeup.
There are so many factors that impact on this. MTV is a major culprit as are corporate radio playlists. In Toronto in the '60's and '70's local radio stations would select music from a much, much wider play list. Technology offers us many distractions. When I was young the cool guys weren't the ones who could get the highest score in some video game. They were the guys who could play "Hideaway" or "I'm Going Home" note for note.
Music has been turned into an atheletic event. Can't wait 'til the "Diva Dash" is an Olympic event and Mariah Scareme represents the states in the 100db Warble. Where's the content? Hearing 15 year old millionaires singing about heart break just doesn't ring true. Jazz to most people is Kenny G or Rod Stewart releasing standards. Oh My God!
I'm not trying to be a contrarian, maybe it's just part of the ageing process but I've gotten to the point where I can pretty much guess how much I'll like something by how many other people like it. Just because a billion people have eaten Big Macs doesn't mean it's good.
When I channel surf, I'm very grateful for local public multi-cultural stations. Some of the best music on TV is being played by Master, tradtitional musicians for small pockets of local people. There's no money involved and the musicians are playing sincerely.
I love my 84 year old mother's recent response to popular music. What kind of a name is it for a pop group "The Black Guy Pees"????
race ya to the ol' folks home. Bring your axe.
Wayne Nakamura