I've just spent an hour or two pouring over all the posts in this section and I just wanted to say "Nice work Jack!"
I can't believe all the material you've put together and how thorough it all is :!:
Thanks for that-I'm glad you're digging it. But there's no way it would be what it is without generosity of some of the other regulars, especially François, Scot, Larssen, Denis, gatsby et al...thanks everyone!
This site is amazing.. so we'll all try to contribute as much as possible to make it even more outstanding! But it's cool that u share everything u got and find with the rest of us.
So u'll here it from me too: nice work Jack
To be or not to be.. what kind of question is that, for cryin' out loud!
Thanks for that-I'm glad you're digging it. But there's no way it would be what it is without generosity of some of the other regulars, especially François, Scot, Larssen, Denis, gatsby et al...thanks everyone!
This site is amazing.. so we'll all try to contribute as much as possible to make it even more outstanding! But it's cool that u share everything u got and find with the rest of us.
So u'll here it from me too: nice work Jack