Well, not quite a bonanza, but I did find two really cool accordion LPs while record shopping this weekend. First was "Balajo No. 1" by Jo Privat. I can't find a date printed on the album, but I'm guessing that it's from the mid-'60s, as Jo's famous sideburns had yet to make an appearance. Here's the track listing:
Side 1 -
L'abeille de Montmartre
Como un amor (Le temps est loin)
Dos caballos en el sol (Deux chevaux dans le soleil)
Sa petite java
Rock accordéon
Atomic swing
Side 2 -
Modern' valse
Milonga sentimental
Adios pampa mia
La java part en java
The first two tunes on the second side are especially fun. The photo on the album cover has me scratching my head over a couple of things. The guitarist has a nifty sunburst Selmer-shaped guitar with di Mauro-style f-holes and a big single-coil pickup. Oh, and it has a regular trapeze-style tailpiece. Anyone know the make? Also, the bassist has a bizarre instrument - it's a deep archtop guitar body with a pickup and five strings. Odd.
Anyway, my second find was a 10" record by Yvette Horner et son Ensemble Musette put out by Pathé. It contains the following:
Side 1 -
Un petit bout de satin
Au loin dans la plaine
En fleche
Side 2 -
La petite valse
Montagnes d'Itale
Montagnes Russes
Un cordial saludo
I haven't had a chance to listen to this one yet. I'll post a follow-up if it's any good.
Who knew LA was such a hotbed of old French music?
(I also found a George Brassens LP that has an interesting picture on the back. It's an ad for a Felix Leclerc album, and the cover is an illustration of him holding a Selmer with a cool checkered binding. I've seen his name around but never heard his music. Anyone know anything about him?)
Is this the image you found? His expression seems to beckon: "Rod, look me up on wikipedia!"
Oh yeah, Wikipedia. I've heard of that thing. It's on the Interweb, right? :oops: Well, that's a different picture of Leclerc, but it seems to be the same guitar. I know it's not right to ogle a guitar on an accordion forum, but I can't help but pointing out the cool binding and fret markers on that one. It's a beaut!
I owe you one!
Yes it is a nice one!
Brassens and Leclerc seem to be cut from the same cloth. They're both pipe-smoking, French-speaking "folkies" ... and to bring this topic back into the relevance of the larger forum ... they play guitars made by gypsy jazz luthiers! (Brassens's guitar was made by Favino ... I wonder if Leclerc's is a Favino also?)