Hi everyone. I'm new to internet forums.
I've been playing guitar for around 30 years but only started using thumb chords last year. I bought 'thumb chord technique for guitar' which covers them all in standard tuning. It's true that small hands would restrict the method (especially on acoustic). I've got medium sized hands and I can play just about all the chords in the book. It's true that your hands are more able to stretch over time.
Has anyone else got this book? If so, how are you getting along with including them into your general playing technique? People say my playing style has changed and that it looks unusual when I play. I seem to have changed the way I hold my hand on the fretboard (more relaxed and flexible). There are certainly many new textures available with these thumbchords. Sometimes I can get that Hendrix effect of two guitars playing at the same time.
I also bought a Django Rienhardt book with some thumb chord progressions in. I bought the thumbchord book from
(Sorry if this has appeared more than once but I can't seem to find it after I posted it).