I don't know if this is proper place to put this topic.
I love django film on youtube and watched is 100 times.
Has anyone noticed rythmic 'break' when grapelli switches solo to django and vice versa? It is little hard to notice if you just listen to it.
I think it is ....8,8,8,8,9,8,8,8... beats per line.
Try counting each beat (1 - 8). You will hear something strange. Besides, the rythm players make little fill in just before that happens. This occurs at 2:11 and 3:18.
what does that make you teddy? 100 yrs old?
How old is mr Teddy?
BTW, if he made change in rythm that would mean he changed entire song, wouldn't it? Nobody would be that cruel to Django and his boys.
Just listen to the song. When grapelli stops playing violine for the first time, django starts to play and for a very short time they play at the same time. That would not be possible to do with sound cutting and pasting.... and why?
Picture, on the other hand is obviously cutted and pasted in some wrong places, but that is other story.
Sorry for my english if I made errors.
Dugme my friend there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the film and the sound track have been cut and spliced together several times and the sound done rather poorly. Whether the sound track it is one longer take with sections removed or several takes put together, I am not 100% sure.
There are obvious visual discontinuities with Django who is in a totally different position in the close up shots to the long shot of the whole group. There is even one section in the close-up sequence where you can hear notes that he does not appear to finger.
It has been claimed from quite authoritative sources that another tune was filmed at the same session but no sign of it has ever emerged.