I know this sounds preposterous, and will be the target of many ludicrous comments.
Has anyone any memory of Groucho Marx playing rhythm guitar? And did he use the kind of chord structures that we use in the Django style? I have a very old memory of hearing him.
His playing is very impressive because of it´s percussive energy. Seems there are no chord structures at all.
In Horsefeathers he also plays guitar in a scene where he serenades Thelma Todd in a canoe which she falls out of, whereupon she calls for a life saver and he opens a roll and tosses one out to her:
I didn't know that about Chico and Kessel. BTW, I used to have the exact same amp, but I had no idea what to do with it so I ended up trading it for an insanely loud Fender Twin...anyway, from what I've read people were expecting a full house of musical geniuses from the Marxes (!) which is what prompted Groucho to pick up the guitar. Chico was the only one who Minny had the money to afford lessons for; Harpo was self taught and developed his own tuning because the harp he started out on was so old it couldn't take the tension of standard tuning. He didn't even know he wasn't playing lefty, and by the time he was able to afford lessons he had been playing his way so long his teachers left him alone and pretty much just watched. Despite that, you can see his hand posture was perfect....interesting family, to say the least.
I'm sure I'll be around for your call - after digging my car out of the snow 3 times a day I hear there might be a break, and I will be glad to be home playing guitar!