While playin' first picking patterns now I look at next Musical Examples for some left-hand aspects.... ;-)
The suggested left-hand fingering for "Minor Horizontal Arpeggios" (Ex. 6.1, 7.1) is 1 2 1 1 2 (etc) (for 5 8 7 7 10 Am arpeggio). So, the 4th is played by the same (first finger). Is this a general gypsy-way to play 4ths (and major 3d between 3-2)?
Thanks a lot,
Yes, barring with the first finger is pretty common when playing an interval of a 4th. Fapy sometimes will play each note with an individual finger. But he might be the only one who does that...and he doesn't do it that much.
good luck!
Yes--thats a pretty standard technique;for instance in "Montagne St Genvieve" the first rising phrase when it crosses over from 5th string(B note) and 4th string(E note) --the first finger is already prepared and in position after playing the first F# on the bottom string.
Angelo and Stochelo do that stuff all the time.