With regards to angle which is correct? or is there even a correct angle?
is the different angle used for different effect?
Naturally my wrist and arm wants to do the first picture but in Dennis video he seems to have a very straight stroke through the strings similar to the second pic.
Any comments.
a) so the tip is pointed up toward the top of the guitar like this: / xxxxxx where the slash is the pick, the xs are the strings (low E on the left, high E on the right) and the view is looking from the bridge down the neck of the guitar?
b) angled so (for a right-handed player), looking down at the pick, the left side of it (the side that the tip of your thumb hangs over) is tilted down at an angle, so the thumb-tip edge of the pick hits the strings first?
or both? or neither?
My first stroke (bum of bum-chik) would be further away from perpendicular than the second (chik), the second being faster and more bitey(can't think of a better word :oops: ) the second naturally takes a more perpendicular angle due to the speed.
This sounds good but not sure that it's correct.