It's been inspiring to see the Boston djam scene taking off this fall and winter. Thanks in large part to the tireless organizing efforts of Rob Saunders, folks seem to be getting together in and around Beantown on an almost weekly basis. Every week, it seems, someone new is offering an opportunity to jam and more and more people are stepping up to host or join in. A tip of the chapeau is in order to Rob and the Boston crowd. Does anybody know how to say "Huzzah, huzzah" in French?
In any case, I was wondering if others would care to report on their local djam scene. Is everybody sitting at home playing with jam tracks on their computers or are there some regular opportunties to get together and do it in flesh? This would be an altogether appropriate place to thank the people who help make it happen chez vous.
Northampton, MA
Between the two of us we could hold a rotating monthly something or other...I've had the itch to host something again, and the last few here have been well attended. Give me a call!
Problem is I've got a petit bouche apartment these days. You've got the D hole space we need, plus all the absolutely essential bohemian accoutrements. The pool table, exposed brick, loyal beagle and faint hint of cigarette smoke are particularly nice touches that I just can't match.
I can help in the dip and beer department though. I'll call...
Yes, Jack, Andrew, and Jason, I too am up for another trip to western Massachusetts, so get it on, babies! Jack's place was great for jamming last time: a hint of Bohemia, a touch of class, and maybe in time, a dash of absinthe.
Thanks for the compliments, Andrew. Actually what I'm doing is really easy, and anybody on our mailing list (of which everyone receives a regularly updated copy) can do it; I just happen to have the particular obsession. Just plan a party, share news, talk technique...that's all, and share.
And here I'd like to thank Michael Horowitz for the insight and clarity shown in his method books, which have inspired me to revamp my technique after 30+ years of wandering in the wilderness. Little by little, the muscles are relearning and I'm building, who knew?
"You've got the D hole bouche space we need." LOL
Rich D
Red Rock Hot Club
Local hero Mitt Romney's recent insult to all things French probably wont help!...what a jackass
March sounds right by me...probably the 8th or 22nd (Saturdays). I'll send out an email when I get the details worked out. See you soon!
But no kazoos.
UPDATE!!! The jam is once again on March 8th!!! Write if you need details...