Ladies & Gentlemen and fellow Jazz Manouche Afficianados:
It gives me great pleasure to announce that HyperHip Media has completed production on the new 4 volume DVD series: Jazz Manouche Technique & Improvisation, by Denis Chang. You can view these items and some video clips at:
This series is exhaustingly comprehensive. It contains literally years
of instruction. At the same time many of the concepts can be learned
quickly and incorporated into your repetoire very easily.
Impress your friends, jamming buddies and most of all your audience.
Learn the building blocks that will help you to improvise in a unique
and spontaneous fashion.
Each DVD contains over 2 hrs of instruction with Vol 3 & Vol 4 approaching 3 hrs! We are offering discounts for 4 vol purchasers or to people who buy all 5 of Denis' DVDs.
We've included French & English subtitles. I've found that because Denis
moves along quickly it is very beneficial to leave the subtitles on,
especially when Denis is giving pick stroke directions.
The DVDs are now in duplication and I expect delivery on April 8, 2008.
All pre orders will be shipped immediately.
They say that the first 30 years are the hardest in learning Gypsy Jazz.
Why not give yourself a break. Buy Denis' DVDs and shave off a few
years. You're not getting any younger!javascript:emoticon('
Wayne Nakamura
HyperHip Media
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Looks really cool!!! 8)