Hi Guys,
I am reg. for the dJango camp at Smith Collage in June.And I want to make sure I will fit in the program.Here's a little background on me.
Playing Bass(6&7string)for 30 yrs,17 of which as a touring bassist
and 2 as a stuido bassist.Now playing part time.Started playing guitar 1 year ago strictly in the Gypsy style.Working with Michael Horowitz's
books,Robin Nolan play alongs as well as Dennis Chang's DVD.
About 2 hr+ :roll: a day.And have been working on the songs listed on the Django in June site.Sorry to go on but want to make sure I will not be
over my head.
Jeff Griffith
e-mail <!-- e --><a href="mailto:outpost1193@yahoo.com">outpost1193@yahoo.com</a><!-- e -->
As a very satisfied veteran of Django in June 2007, please be assured that you will NOT be over your head. The instruction is designed for all levels, and you can pick and choose based on your own assessment of your skills. Go for it - you will have a great time! It's worth it for the jams alone, and they need bass players!
"It's a great feeling to be dealing with material which is better than yourself, that you know you can never live up to."
-- Orson Welles
Ben is right. The first time I went (2006), I had only been playing GJ a couple of months. I even called Andrew to ask if I had a business being there at all. He assured me I would feel right at home...and I did. And you know what? There were lots of people there even rawer than me.
No matter what your skill level, you will learn plenty and have opportunities to jam with people of similar abilities if you want.
And if you see a fat old guy with absolutely no natural abilitythere, come up and introduce yourself to me!
I was worryed with one year on guitar I would be out of place.At least
I don't have any bad habits playing wise,since I have only been working on the Gypsy style .
I was worryed with one year on guitar I would be out of place.At least
I don't have any bad habits playing wise,since I have only been working on the Gypsy style .
Here are some tunes that are always popular at GJ jams/festivals etc.
in no particular order:
Sweet Georgia Brown
Minor Swing
Minor Blues
I can't give you anything but love
Limehouse Blues
Dark Eyes/Les Yeux Noir
I'll see you in My dreams
Manoir Des me Reves
Lulu Swing
Lady Be Good
If you have some of the Robin Nolan books you'll probably be okay.
Also there are charts available from the Django In June website.
On top of that if the format of DIJ this year is like it was last year, there will be a tune each day which will be used for pedagogical purposes. So that no matter what the personal repertoire is for any given camper everyone will be able to jam on those tunes.
Also, for anyone who is looking forward to their first time at Django in June I can't stress enough how warm the environment is there. The musical level really runs the gamut from people just starting out to really staggeringly good players.
I'm really looking forward to DIJ this year, the lineup is incredible, as well as all the great people off the stage. A while back, The very talented Thomas from Netherlands told us he's planning on coming this year.
Oh man I can't wait.
For anyone who's on the fence about attending Django In June don't hesitate. It's such a great experience and a wonderful chance to interact with some of the great stars of this music in a supportive intimate setting.