Need a ride to Django in June????

aceace Buffalo, NY✭✭✭✭
edited May 2008 in North America Posts: 78
Hello Gypsy Jazzers,
Anyone need a ride to Django in June?
Looking for a car mate and someone to split gas and tolls with.
I'm headed out of Buffalo Tuesday June 10th and will be returning Sunday June 15th. If you're coming from Cleveland or Toronto or need a pick up in Central NY, drop me a line and we'll see what we can't put together.

Applicants must adhere to the following criteria:
Must be less than 10' tall
Must be able to listen to GJ on the way there and anything but on the way back.
Must have at least an average size bladder.
Must have either Selma Hayek or Monica Bellucci in their top 5 hottest living women list.
Must consider George W. to be an idiot, or at the very least a less than adequate representation of the best America has to offer.

Conversation topics may include:
Whether or not purple shoes improve your ability to play at speeds above 300bpms.
If Django truly was God, would we have clocks? -and would he strike all guitarists with a plague that paralyzes their ring and pinky fingers for a good joke?
Was the state of Massivetwoshits named after a proud outhouse moment?

Those that cannot sense the sarcasm in the above text need not apply.
Happy trails.


  • Michael BauerMichael Bauer Chicago, ILProdigy Selmers, Busatos and more…oh my!
    Posts: 1,002
    I'll be driving up from South Jersey (Medford, near Philadelphia), if anyone needs a ride between there and D in J. Same ctriteria as Josh's apply pretty much exactly.
    I've never been a guitar player, but I've played one on stage.
  • brandoneonbrandoneon Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France✭✭✭
    Posts: 171
    glad to see you are going again!!
    I believe I fit all of your criteria, but David Moulthrop and I are probably carpooling from Ithaca. Maybe we can caravan - gypsy style?
    see ya soon!
  • bbwood_98bbwood_98 Brooklyn, NyProdigy Vladimir music! Les Effes. . Its the best!
    Posts: 680

    Michael, will you be there at the end? Coming up Friday, and Hanging for the weekend - would love to see you man!

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