Thank you for letting us know about your new pick design. I see it's for sale at this web-site - so much the better. I've been using your picks for about a year and a half and like the sound and feel very much. I'll be sure to order the new one.
I've enjoyed your video clips and audio clips on your web-site as well. Thank you.
A short update. I did manage to purchase one of the new, large AK picks. At first I found it shockingly large, flat and intensely grooved as compared to your more neolithic arrowhead shaped picks. After just a few minutes, I found the correct angles to hold it. Actually, it rather forces me to use ideal technique and use of the picking hand.
What caught my ears was how very loud this pick is, with clarity. Single note leads stand out. I'm still able to get the warm tortoise-like attack that your earlier picks give me. I favor your picks because they never ping, click ,or are harsh. Nor has one ever caused wrist or finger pains as some other makes have done. The pick is well beveled for correct down and up alternate strokes, and it works well for rhythm.
Thanks, it's the same material as the old pick which is always clear whatever size you make it. I wanted to make a pick which is good for both soloing and rhythm and players asked me to develop a bigger pick with excellent grip, hope I succeeded.
I've enjoyed your video clips and audio clips on your web-site as well. Thank you.
What caught my ears was how very loud this pick is, with clarity. Single note leads stand out. I'm still able to get the warm tortoise-like attack that your earlier picks give me. I favor your picks because they never ping, click ,or are harsh. Nor has one ever caused wrist or finger pains as some other makes have done. The pick is well beveled for correct down and up alternate strokes, and it works well for rhythm.
Thanks, it's the same material as the old pick which is always clear whatever size you make it. I wanted to make a pick which is good for both soloing and rhythm and players asked me to develop a bigger pick with excellent grip, hope I succeeded.