can anyone recommend a good string for gypsy jazz and swing. i play an old $300 guarnarius style violin...never with a mic. i've tried Tziganes and Evahs. I'm interested in what other jazz fiddlers use.
I'm kindof interested in trying out gut...i read a few things by nonclassical fiddlers who used them successfully. i'm not going to be playing out for the next few months so i thought it might be a good time to experiment. eudoxas?
But I'd also like to hear some opinions on the higher quality steel strings like tomastic superflexable and Pirastro's Flexocor-Permanent.
Also other synthetics...I've heard Warchal brilliants might be good for me as well. any opinions?
please forward this link to any violinist-GJers who might know more as well..