Django in June

pallopennapallopenna Rhode IslandNew
edited June 2005 in North America Posts: 245
Kudos to Andrew Lawrence for organizing a great weekend. The clinics by Stephane Wrembel, Michael, and John Jorgenson were relaxed and informative, I met a lot of really great folks, and the Saturday night concert by Stephane's trio and Jorgenson's quintet would have blown my socks off if I had been wearing any.

Andrew did a great job putting this together. Here's hoping this is just the start of a new tradition.
Reject the null hypothesis.


  • JackJack western Massachusetts✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 1,752
    As always, the highlight for me was meeting so many 'fellow travellers'. Next year, however, I'm demanding that Scot stay for the whole weekend; I feel a strong urge to barbeque with the man. And a huge thanks to Michael for not only being there but for apparently shipping the entire DjangoBooks inventory East for the weekend. Really, it was like a mini-HMV there in the lobby. Beautiful.

    Thanks to everyone who came out, and if you didn't, we'll hope to see you next year!

  • MichaelHorowitzMichaelHorowitz SeattleAdministrator
    Posts: 6,155
    Hats off to Andrew Lawrence for putting on an absolutely awesome festival! Andrew put in a tremendous amount of work putting this festival together. We all owe him a big thanks and our continued support in the future.

    For those of you who didn't make's what you missed:

    -Stunning performances by Stephane Wremble and John Jorgenson in a quaint New England Church.

    -Jamming, jamming, and more jamming till the wee hours. So wild the neighbors even called the that's a party!

    -Professional instruction via workshops by Stephen Wremble and John Jorgenson.

    -Some guy from Seattle was also doing so many work shops it was like Gypsy Jazz University.

    -A Gypsy jazz store with every CD, Book, pick, and string you'd ever want.

    -An outdoor Sunday afternoon Impromptu performance by Stephane Wrembel...awesome!

    -Some great weather!!!

    And all this was in beautiful Northampton Mass...probably the coolest college town I've ever seen.

    It was great meeting the East Coast crew: Jack, Scot, Tony, Mike, Paul, Jared, and many more. You guys are keeping the music alive back East....keep up the good work.

    See you all next year!

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