To whom it may concern,
I'd like to thank Michael "the voice calling out in the wilderness" as regarding rest stroke technique. When one listens to the masters one can hear the conduciveness of the rest stroke to the gypsy style. Yet, as I peruse youtube I see semi-reknowned gutiarists playing the style using unnecessary alternate picking. Some exceptions like Adrien Moignard and Stephan Wrembel who use occasional alternate strokes to accomodate certian "cool as hell" lines. However, even they still use the rest stroke nearly exclusively. It irks me that one might audaciously presume to study this music and present it to the leyman while disrespecting it's integrity by using that hideous alternate picking. Is there anyone out there as militant as me regarding this subject?
"de non conveniendo cum hereticus"
I will go even further - I am not convinced that the "rest stroke" is accurately described anywhere. I struggle to reconcile some of the written descriptions with the phsyics involved and I would love to see someone do a hi-def close up video of players right hands and then slow it right down to see what actually goes on. I think we'd see something slightly different from what we'd be expecting.
My thoughts are that the "rest stroke" is actually more of a controlled percussive stroke driving through the string in a slight arc and not necessarily "resting" anywhere but the arc of travel being stopped abruptly so that movement to the next or a subsequent upstroke on the same string is possible in the least amount of time.
At the end of the day I dont care if someone's using rest strokes, alternate picking, fingers of toes as long as the music swings.
Django would be laughing like a drain if he could see the lengths we go to to analyse, regiment and teach this fluid, inventive music. Lets have no more right or wrong dogma and just enjoy the music