Im thinking about going up from the asian-made dell arte i play now and get my hands on a handmade guitar. Any tips? I was looking around and saw a used Levoi ovalhole guitar. Any of you played his guitars?
Band up and running! Finaly!
I have two Le Voi's and they are great. Mine are both D holes and are easy to play and have a great tone. The Ovals I have played have been good as well, can't say I have ever played a bad one to be honest.
He's been building Selmer copies since the seventies, so he is clearly one of the most experienced luthiers in the world in this domain. And unlike some other famous names, he is still a one-man operation, so when you buy a Levoi, you can be sure it was built by John.
I finally was lucky enough to find one of his guitars (2nd hand oval hole) at a great price about a month ago... really a great instrument. Flawless finish, great playability, and a tone to die for: it's all here: the attack, the highs, the mids, the deep basses... I couldn't be happier.
At the prices they go for at rf Charles (around 3000€, IIRC), I would certainly think about it twice, would try many other guitars before taking a decision (Dupont, ALD, Marin...). But if, like me, you're lucky enough to find a 2nd hand one for around £1000 (about 3 times cheaper than another used Levoi for sale by rf Charles).... Just get it. NOW. Because it's really a steal.
Its a short scale model, 12 frets to the body ("transitional model" as John Le Voi called it). (Me and) the guitar is in Oslo.
BTW, the tag on the guitar at the shop is $2950, you could talk them down off that price a bit I'll bet though. They are generally open to negotiation I've found and that guitar has been there for 5 years at least.