Since I'm brand new to the site, I certainly don't want to suggest anything untoward. But I'm wondering if there's some way to obtain copies of out of print cd's that people here might know about.
I've been really wanting to find a couple of out of print Fapy cd's and I've pretty much run out of places to find them on the internet. Obviously, if there's a way to support the artist, I prefer that, but if it's out of print and otherwise unobtainable then I'd just be interested in getting any available copy.
So is there some kind of Out of Print trading post for GJ fans that I'm missing or is Ebay the best bet for this stuff?
I've been wanting the out of print EP by Les Doigts Del Homme "Gipsy Jazz Nucléaire" that has the song Bolero on it but its completely unfindable.
Not true! It's sitting on my CD shelf as I type!