I think my rythm playing is taking on too much of a 'swooshing' characteristic. I know players comment on the effectiveness of this sound, but if the pick to much at an angle when playing la pompe can this sound be too overbearing. I notice when the pick is more parallel to the string, this sound isn't as present and distracting to the soloist. I guess tilting it slighty may be the key.
When I listen to the backing tracks over at Stephane Wrembel's site I like the rhythm going on there alot. It's really crisp and tight without the the excessive swooshing sound.
Could it be that the upstrokes in my playing are too slow? Or possibly too heavy-handed?
Swooshing is actually desirable by many players....the Dutch rhythm players seem to like it the most. Elios Ferre and Boulou Ferre often use it as a special effect.
Recording is a bit strange, because the swoosh sometimes sounds unpleasant in the mix.
I'd be curious to hear what some accompanists here use predominately. Also, who are some other guitarists that play in the Alsace type pompe four rhythm? I'd like to check them out.
I just wanted to know of some of guitarists who employ a straighter "four" style with emphasis on 1 and 3 more than 2 and 4. I know Wrembel and Chatelain do this.
You can also buy them separately--great stuff! It tends to be rougher around the edges than someone like Mathieu C. but has a charm all its own.