Lately, I've been trying to incorporate the dry pompe four style, a la Wrembel, into my playing---judging by my several posts about the subject. I read this article: ... mpe-en.htm
If you scroll down, they talk about straight pompe along with some video footage. Is that pretty much spot on in terms of what to think when playing in this style? In Michael's book it talks about how beat 1 is mainly a longer stressed accent on the bass notes and the second beat is more a short accent on the treble strings. But I've heard players talk about how they crunch all the strings on the first then more of a whip or slap for beat 2.
Any feedback would be helpful.
That´s pretty much how Wrembel does it and describes it in his book. What he doesn´t mention is that on beat 1 he rather "rakes" through the strings, starting slightly ahead of the beat and finishing on the beat. When I asked Michael Horowitz about it, he said it also belongs in the category "Pompe four" but is a variation that some people use.