1957 Narrow Panel Fender Tweed Deluxe Amp with vintage P12Q. Runs very quiet and has the 'voice of the angels". It was re-tweeded in the early ‘90s by Fender’s Tweed/Tolex/Cabinet Guru the late, great Sam Hutton. I have owned this amp for 30-plus years. Currently has replacement O.T. from a Deluxe or Princeton (prior to my ownership), original O.T. (not working) is included, Mercury Magnetics can hand-rewind to Vintage Original Specs. but the amp sounds killer with current O.T.. Changes to the amp include: the re-tweed, replacement handle, some re-placed caps (have originals), 3-prong cord. It has a “buttery smooth” natural distortion that even the best pedals can’t capture completely. It would sound killer with a Stimer. $1600.00
http://www.flickr.com/photos/39797951@N ... 742487433/