Hi everyone - I've been playing rhythm on a nylon-stringed classical guitar because it's all I have, and I've been thinking about upgrading to an D-hole Aria. I just talked to someone who said that he uses Argentine strings and that they last for about four hours of solid rhythm playing. Can this be true? I know that flamenco guitarists have to change their strings every two weeks or so to keep sounding okay, but every day seems a like a lot to me. Is gypsy jazz a really expensive sort of music to play?
-Argies; I seem to get a month out of em' before they're toast!!!
-Pearse ; OK, but take about 3-4 days to settle down and sound not-quite-so-bright. If I can't get Argies, the Pearse is next in line. The silver plating wears real quick and the strings get bad fret dents right away.
-Daddario; They maintain their consistancy, but I find the tone kinda metallic, so metallic tone....longer (lol). They also feel harder/stiffer than the other two. Not great, but will do in a pinch. But when they go...they GO!!
These are the only brands I've tried so far, and they were strung on Gitane 255, with anywhere from 1 > 12 hrs of playing depending on the day.
Argentine strings last for at least a week and most players get a little more, up to a month.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.
When I'm playing at home or more casually indoors, my strings will last for months, and change them when they go flat or have worn out. Not having a GJ guitar, it's hard for me to say with any real authority, but I think it really depends on other factors rather than the exact style of music you play. My electric guitar, classical, and acoustic guitars need the strings changed relative to where I play, and the environment (indoors / outdoors, humidity and such), more so than the style. I guess it's possible that GJ and flamenco subjects the strings to more stress than other styles, but I've seen metalhead thrashers really abuse their instruments with agressive play too. So, maybe it is like the song says - 'taint what you do, it's the way you do it.'
Plus the price you mention for the Aria is no bargain.
I'll echo the sentiments about getting a Cigano as above - they would still be a great value at twice the asking price. You might find that a Cigano GJ15 is closer to a classical body size than you might expect. It is a smaller instrument than a Talyor 14 series or Guild F-size jumbo. The neck of a GJ15 is also quite similar to a classical neck. I think you would be very comfortable on this instrument.
Wyres offers a handmade silk and steel set that is supposedly designed for GJ guitars, 11-46. Their optional PTFE coating is supposed to give greater longevity. I'm trying to get a set to try out.
D'Addario GJ strings are OK, and their quality control is better than Argies (no dead strings), but they feel stiffer, probably due to the hex core.
I also agree with the other posters. Spend the extra money for a Cigano. You won't be happy with an Aria in the long run.
"It's a great feeling to be dealing with material which is better than yourself, that you know you can never live up to."
-- Orson Welles