************ > FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE < ************
Harmonious Wail presents
Sixth annual
The Midwest Gypsy Swing Festival
Friday August 21 and Saturday August 22, 2009
Art in the Barn - 5927 Adams Rd
Mark your calendars and make your plans to attend the
6Th annual Midwest Gypsy Swing Festival.
Featured bands
• Gonzalo Bergara with Kevin Nolan and Jason Annick (from the John Jorgenson Quintet and The Robin Nolan Trio)
• Alfonso Ponticelli with Swing Gitan – from Chicago
• Robin Nolan Trio from Amsterdam
• Harmonious Wail
• Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble
- campfire and jamming both nights after the concerts
-- plenty of room for picnicking
Ticket Pricing and Information ***** tickets will go on sale in July *******
Fri 8/21/09 –7pm $20 day of show/ $18 adv
Sat 8/22/09 –2pm $30 day of show / $28 adv
both Fri and Sat $40 day of show / $38 adv
Tickets Available;
Lane's Lutherie - 4253 W.Beltline Hwy (at Seminole Hwy) 442-0315
Spruce Tree Music - 851 E.Johnson 255-2254
Green Earth - 6771 University Ave. 831-2845
B-Side Records - 436 State St. 255-1977
Frugal Muse Books - 7475 Mineral Point Rd and 1193 N. Sherman Ave 833-8668
also <!-- e --><a href="mailto:sims@wail.com">sims@wail.com</a><!-- e --> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it - 608-221-3966
Directions to the Art in the Barn
Fish Hatchery Road (County Hwy. D) will be closed – take Seminole Hwy to the end, turn right, take the first left, then left again onto Adams, the barn is on the right.
Muchos Gracias to our sponsors – The Isthmus, WORT, Great Dane Brew Pub, Heartland Credit Union, Sooper Dooper and tons of devoted friend-sponsors – Thank You!
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:sims@wail.com">sims@wail.com</a><!-- e --> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 608-221-3966
Chris Ruppenthal
Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble
Most current press release:
************ > FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE < ************
Harmonious Wail presents
Sixth annual
The Midwest Gypsy Swing Festival
Friday August 21 and Saturday August 22, 2009
Art in the Barn - 5927 Adams Rd
Tickets are now on sale
6th annual Midwest Gypsy Swing Festival.
Ticket Pricing and Information
Fri 8/21/09 –7pm $20 day of show/ $18 adv
Sat 8/22/09 –2pm $30 day of show / $28 adv
both Fri and Sat $40 day of show / $38 adv
Tickets Available;
Lane's Lutherie - 4253 W.Beltline Hwy (at Seminole Hwy) 442-0315
Spruce Tree Music - 851 E.Johnson 255-2254
Green Earth - 6771 University Ave. 831-2845
B-Side Records - 436 State St. 255-1977
Frugal Muse Books - 7475 Mineral Point Rd and 1193 N. Sherman Ave 833-8668
also <!-- e --><a href="mailto:sims@wail.com">sims@wail.com</a><!-- e --> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it - 608-221-3966
Featured bands
• Gonzalo Bergara with Kevin Nolan and Jason Annick(from the John Jorgenson Quintet and The Robin Nolan Trio)
• Alfonso Ponticelli with Swing Gitan – from Chicago
• Robin Nolan Trio from Amsterdam
• Harmonious Wail - your pals
• Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble
• Rumba Kings
- campfire and jamming both nights after the concerts
-- plenty of room for picnicing
Directions to the Art in the Barn
Fish Hatchery Road (County Hwy. D) will be closed – take Seminole Hwy to the end, turn right, take the first left, then left again onto Adams, the barn is on the right.
Muchos Gracias to our sponsors – The Isthmus, WORT, Great Dane Brew Pub, Heartland Credit Union, Sooper Dooper and tons of devoted friend-sponsors – Thank You!
<!-- e --><a href="mailto:sims@wail.com">sims@wail.com</a><!-- e --> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 608-221-3966
announcing the brand new www.midwestgypsyswingfest.com
-- schedule coming soon, very soon
-- instructional workshops from noon - 2pm on Saturday -- call or email Sims for details
-- Full menu coming soon -- provided by Peoples Bakery -- gyros, baklavah, smoothies ......
Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble
Gypsy Swing Fest News
Schedule for Aug 21 and 22, 2009 Midwest Gypsy Swing Fest
Written by Sims Delaney-Potthoff
Sunday, 26 July 2009 08:00
Schedule for Aug 21 and 22, 2009 Midwest Gypsy Swing Fest
will be posted at http://www.midwestgypsyswingfest.com asap
-- that is also where you will find out about pay pal
Fri - Aug 21, 09 - 7 - 11
7pm - 8:10pm Robin Nolan Trio - w/ Kevin Nolan (rhythm) and John Christensen (bass)
8:25pm - 9:35pm Swing Gitan - featuring Alfonso Ponticelli (guitar) and Tony Balog (violin)
9:50pm - 11:00 Gonzalo Bergara Quartet -w/ Kevin Nolan (rhythm), Jason Annick (violin) and Matt Rodgers (bass)
Saturday, Aug 22, 09
from noon to 2pm we will be presenting 5 different instrumental instructional workshops- price is $20 if added to the price of a ticket purchase / $40 for a stand alone workshop fee
-- workshop schedule -- all in different locations -
noon - 1:15 - Robin Nolan - guitar
noon - 1pm Jason Annick - violin
12:15 - 1:30 - Kevin Nolan-- rhythm guitar
12:30 - 1:45 - Alfonso Ponticelli - guitar
12:45 - 2pm - Gonzalo Bergara - guitar
1pm - 2pm -Tony Balog - violin
2pm - Harmonious Wail will play a dance set in the tent
3pm - Swing Gitan - in the tent
4pm - Rumba Kings - in the tent
5 - 6pm - Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble in the barn
6:15 - 7:30 - Robin Nolan Trio - in the barn
7:30 - 8:15 - something in the tent - jam - dance????
8:30 - 9:30 Harmonious Wail in the barn
9:45 - 11pm Gonzalo Bregara Quartet in the barn
for more info on tickets, camping, help with hotel any thing pls call sims 608-221-3966 or email <!-- e --><a href="mailto:sims@wail.com">sims@wail.com</a><!-- e --> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and please stay in touch at http://www.midwestgypsyswingfest.com
pas encore, j'erre toujours.