Hi All
i'm new to here and am looking at getting my first gypsy style guitar. has anyone tried these woodland guitars? they're pretty cheap in price, but i know that usually translates to crappy guitars.
any thoughts on these? or a comparable low price beginner to mid guitar?
http://larkinthemorning.com/Django-Rein ... /p/GUI121/
However, esp. as this guitar is selling for $299 on LITM, have you considered just getting a Cigano, available in this site, for $297-330, depending on the style you're looking for? Michael has spoken very well of the Cigano, I picked one up and played it at our local store, enjoyed it very much - would have gotten that, most likely, if I hadn't scored a great auction on a Gitane DG-300.
The link:
Good luck.
pas encore, j'erre toujours.