Michel Giglio

BarengeroBarengero Auda CityProdigy
edited May 2013 in History Posts: 527
Hi friends,

I have a record of a guitar player named Michel Giglio. It is called "Manouche style avec Michel Giglio et sa guitare" (AFA 20795). I don´t know the year of its publication but the sleeve design looks like mid to end 60´s. He plays an "old school" style. He playes with drums accompaniment and some tracks have a "latin" touch. Some other tracks remind me of the sultry sound of some corsican players like "Les Guitares de l Émpire" or "Les Trois Consuls".

The tracks are:

- Nuages
- Caravan
- Mysterieuse (by Michel Giglio)
- La Sonate en ut Majeur
- Romance en Guitare
- La complainte de Mackie
- In the mood for Love
- La Valse des As
- The Sunny Side Of The Street
- Oh When Thes Saints
- Plonciana

His version of "La Sonate" is very similar to the Version Sarane Ferret and Gusti Malha played (and recorded) in Samois in 1973. La complainte de Mackie is close to the version of Tchan Tchou.

I am trying to find informations about this guy for more than a year now, but I found less than nothing. The web don´t knows him. Has anybody any information about this guitarist? Any help is appreciated.




  • scotscot Virtuoso
    Posts: 678
    I think there were a number of recordings made during the 60s and 70s like this one, by obscure guitars not heard from before or since. I have similar recordings by people like Andre Dedjean, Pascal le Lyon and Alain Soler. Dedjean made several LPs and as far as I know was the actual composer of the tune we call "Swing Gitane. It's on an 1960s LP of his where it is called "Stephane Stomp". All these guys were capable guitarists for their time, but where they are today is a mystery.

    BTW, I am pretty sure that it was not Gusti on that recording with Sarrane Ferret in '73 - it was more likely his son Noye who also went by the name Auguste.

  • JackJack western Massachusetts✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 1,752
    scot wrote:
    Dedjean made several LPs and as far as I know was the actual composer of the tune we call "Swing Gitane. It's on an 1960s LP of his where it is called "Stephane Stomp".


    Very interesting! Although I've always seen it listed as Traditional, it's always felt much more modern to me, and I was convinced the author wasn't lost to history. Thanks for filling in yet another blank-by the by, what's the title of the LP?

  • JackJack western Massachusetts✭✭✭✭
    Posts: 1,752
    I've also found these albums of his for sale:
    Any recommendations, if I wanted to check something out?

  • sergiosergio New
    Posts: 1
    Hi there, i've seen your post long time ago. This is interesting.
    Maybe you didn't notice that, but you made a mistake in the track list.
    On the cover for A side there are 5 songs but on the record there are 6 songs. One is added, from Michel Giglio too called "la valse à michel".
    The track called "mysterieuse" is a mix between bossa & manouche (really great) while "la valse a michel" is a manouche style. ... frain.html

    On the label "disques le chamois" it exists one more record. Michel Giglio with Nito Efrain (less kown than michel giglio..)
    I love the record on AFA you mentionned first on this post. Michel Giglio is a subtil & quite virtous guitarist it reminds me (Etienne "Patotte") Bousquet sometimes (Listen to" Hommage a Django", an incredible record).
    I'll recommend you the Andre Dedjean record "sentimental guitar", wich is similar to the giglio.
    Even if Giglio has a much impresive guitar style than Dedjean.
    Dedjean made a record on the same label of Giglio, AFA. This record is much more rare. Nearly impossible to find...
    Who is Michel Giglio? I'll try to give you an answer later. I'll ask to some professional guitarists i know (from france).
    Whatever, this record is fantastic and i love it so much....
    It is not very rare and it's possible to have a copy for 15 euros to 25 euros, that is not so expensive for this record. It worths it...
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