Acoustic Image Clarus 2R Amp Head Series III - $700
Acoustic Image Contra EX Speaker Cabinet Series II - $250
(Includes add on hard case cover)
Daedalus WS-81 Compact Two-way Wedge Style Speaker
Upgraded Cherry wood ($45) with Case Cover ($125) and added 1/38" speaker stand socket ($50)
All this new is $945 + shipping. I'm asking $750.
I think this is all a pretty good deal for anyone looking for top of the line acoustic amplification.
email me at: classicalguitar at echoes dot net
Everything is in excellent condition and works (and sounds) great. Still not sure if I should sell because it's all top of the line gear and sounds as good as you can get but I haven't used it since I bought a little AER Alpha amp which is all I've needed for the classical guitar gigs and concerts I've been doing. I don't really need all the volume and power that the AI/Daedalus stuff provides...