Djangofest NW tickets

GadjangoGadjango New
edited August 2005 in Welcome Posts: 26
I went to the DFNW site today to get the info on purchasing tickets and it looks like almost every event is sold out! Does anyone here know of any alternate means for getting in? Are there generally a good number of people who can't go and sell their tickets on any of the forums?

And just as a gripe, I have to say that with all the poor-mouthing I read about how Gypsy Jazz isn't afforded the popularity it deserves, it seems crazy that I can't buy a ticket to one of these shows a month beforehand! I had no idea the tickets would be this hard to come by, otherwise I would've purchased them in July, which is probably when everyone else got theirs.

Anyone have any tips?


  • ronzoronzo AnacortesNew
    Posts: 21
    Don't know where you live but.... purchase tickets for whatever interests you out of what's left.

    Then show up at the box office for the event(s) you can't get tickets for and wait. Unclaimed tickets are released about 15 minutes before the start time. If you are just looking for 1 ticket, I should think you won't have a problem.

    I did this last year and it worked out.

    I suggest you get on the WICA email list and purchase tickets the first couple of days after they go on sale.

    It's a small and very nice venue, sells out quickly...

  • djangologydjangology Portland, OregonModerator
    Posts: 1,018
    you have a pretty good chance of buying a ticket from someone at the door... or you can hang out around Langley all day and ask around for a ticket... someone might have one they dont want to use.

    this is the fastest year that tickets have sold out. also, Sunday nights show has, in the past, always been half full but it looks like this year will be different.
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