hello, i am planning on ordering 2 dupont bigtones, one for each of a cigano GJ-10 and GJ-15. i measured the bridge heights but none seem to match the available heights exactly, but surely this combination has been done many times before, can anyone recommend the right ones to order? thanks
I find such prejudices to be completely unwarranted. My girlfriend's Cigano GJ15 is a fabulous instrument, with a sound that is much drier than my DG300 (everybody complains the DG's are too "wet"). I wouldn't think twice about putting a pickup system on a Cigano, except Jill won't let me modify it! She says it's just perfect the way it is.
i also thought it was funny to put a $300 pickup on a guitar costing about the same, but really the price is irrelevant for me it's a great guitar
i will investigate the audio technica pro 70 that was recommended , but it's unlikely i will be using a mic because thats what i've been doing already for ages and am sick of mucking around with feedback troubles
Yeah, if it doesn't feel right when you grab it, it doesn't matter what guitar it is, it isn't yours.
do you have two Ciganos now then?
Each player has their own tolerance for string slap, so there's no answer. I have tools and usually make my own bridges for this reason.
Get the tall bridge and carefully alter the saddle (the points where the strings touch) or the bottom (while being careful to match the arc of the top of the guitar with the feet of the bridge). It's not easy, but its the only way I know to find out what bridge height is right for you.
Its unlikely that the bridge you buy will nicely fit anyway because each guitar has a different arch on the top.
People just buy new bridges and put em on, and hey! it may work. I've noticed that poorly fitting bridges (where the feet touch either on the inside or outside but not smoothly everywhere) dramatically alter the sound, especially if the feet touch on their ends (next to the mustache) only, it'll sound like a bango (nasal). If only the inside portion of the feet touch it'll sound ok but weak.
I'm not a real guitar tech, but have screwed around with my own ideas of how to do things and discovered this at least is true for me about bridges. In the process of fitting the bridge the guitar changes sound.
I'm guessing that no one answered the question you asked because each person may have a personal answer, but no "one size fits all" answer.