What's the best way to achieve the suggested fingering of the A9b13 chord in measures 74, 76, and 96 of "Improvisation #2"? I keep switching back and forth between two techniques:
1) Holding a bar on the 5th fret across the four highest strings with my 1st finger, picking up the B on the 7th fret with my 3rd finger, and picking up the C# and F on the sixth fret with my 2nd finger using a one finger double stop.
2) The same as (1), except I use the 2nd finger to make a bar over the three highest strings on the sixth fret.
In general if I see a chord in "Unaccompanied Django" that can be played with a double stop I use one, both to practice the technique and because I can usually see why one works in context. In this particular context, however, it's not clear to me if the double-stop has an advantage, so I'm wondering if people have opinions as to whether there's a "right" way to hit this chord.
good luck!
It's in the classical position...the thumb is in the middle of the neck.
You should also play that whole passage in the classical position.
Good luck!