Hello all! This is my first post thou I have lurking here in these wonderful pages rather much. Thanks to all community sharing Your knowledge of gypsy jazz. My problem, not only, is that i can`t find anywhere chords to Stochelo Rosenberg`s (and Romane?) Double Jeu. I found transcription both notation and tabs, but without chords. Hope someone can help?
I`m rather handicapped with PC`s, but I got chords too from Guitar Pro ( silly don`t know how, heh). We play it as guitar and flute duo - sounds nice. It`s marvelous piece.
part A:
Em % C# dim % B7 % Em B7
Em % C# dim % B7% Em E7
Part B:
Am7 D9 G6/9 C6/9 F#m7b5 B7 Em E7
Am7 D9 G6/9 C6/9 F#m7b5 % B7 %
Keep on swingin'!